24 Jun 2024

TÜBİTAK Research Scholarship to Our Students

ITU PhD students Hatice Kübra Özkan and Çiğdem Çakıcı were entitled to receive TÜBİTAK 2214-A PhD Research Fellowship. With this scholarship, our students will conduct scientific research abroad.

News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office

Istanbul Technical University (ITU) strengthens its pioneering position achieved through research projects that contribute to the accumulation of scientific and technical knowledge of our country with the scholarship successes that allow its doctoral students to conduct scientific studies abroad. ITU PhD students were entitled to receive TÜBİTAK 2214-A PhD Research Fellowship for their research topics. With this scholarship, our PhD students will conduct scientific research abroad.

A comparative study on the history of mathematics

Department of History of Science and Technology PhD student Hatice Kübra Özkan was entitled with the scholarship she received to conduct scientific activities as a visiting research student at the University of Tokyo under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Taro Mimura. During the ten-months period she will stay in Japan, our scholarship student will conduct a comparative analysis of Taküyiddin İbn Maruf’s book on decimal numbers titled Bugyetü’t-Tüllâb min İlmi’l-Hisâb with Elijah ben Abraham Mizrahi and Simon Stevin’s works in the same field.

Heterogeneous catalysis in the synthesis of fine chemicals

Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Chemistry PhD student Çiğdem Çakıcı will conduct scientific research on biomass conversion and innovative porous materials together with Assoc. Prof. Volkan Değirmenci at the UK-based University of Warwick, School of Engineering. TÜBİTAK Scholarship recipient Çakıcı’s PhD thesis supervised by our Department of Chemistry faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdem Yavuz is titled “Heterogeneous Catalysis in the Synthesis of Fine Chemicals Using Polyhipes” in line with the research project she will carry out abroad.

We congratulate our students and wish them success in their studies.

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