13 May 2022
Honorary Doctorate to Our Graduate Selçuk Bayraktar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 2002 graduate Selçuk Bayraktar was awarded the “Honorary Doctor” title. Selçuk Bayraktar, who met with students in the National Technology Move Talk, received his Honorary Doctorate certificate from our Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu.
News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office
Our graduate Selçuk Bayraktar, who met with students in the National Technology Move Talk held at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), was awarded the “honorary doctor” title with regard to the decision of the ITU Senate in its meeting no. 743.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 2002 graduate Selçuk Bayraktar, who was awarded the honorary doctor title in recognition of “high level research and development activities and contributing to the advancement of science and technology with the products resulting from these activities, contributing to the economic and social development of our country with his efforts, opening up of Turkish technologies and thus enabling our technical and economic power to gain effectiveness at the international level and his outstanding success in his profession”, received his “honorary doctorate” certificate from our Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu.
“We will see unmanned aerial vehicles in the civilian area”
Selçuk Bayraktar, who met with our students at ITU Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center as part of the National Technology Move Talk, made a presentation in a conversational style.
While outlining the work done in the field of aviation from past to present, he gave examples from Hezârfen Ahmet Çelebi, the Ottoman fleet and the first years of the Republic. Emphasizing the importance of catching up with technology early, our graduate proceeded as follows: “Most innovations in our lives are born and grow in the defense industry, and then move on to the civilian field. In the future we will see unmanned aerial vehicles in the civilian area.”
Our graduate Selçuk Bayraktar, who received his certificate from our Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu at the Honorary Doctorate Presentation Ceremony held after his speech, expressed that he found solace in the “honorary doctor” title awarded to him as he felt the bitterness of not being able to complete his doctorate during his studies in the defense industry.
After the ceremony, Selçuk Bayraktar walked around the foyer area where various vehicles produced by ITU project teams were exhibited, chatted with the students who showed great interest in him and had photos taken.