21 Sep 2021
Support from TÜBİTAK to Our Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Reza Nofar’s Project
ITU Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Reza Nofar’s project proposed within the framework of TÜBİTAK – 2507 Research Projects, Bilateral Cooperation Support Program with German Research Foundation (DFG) was granted support.
News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office
ITU Chemical-Metallurgical Engineering Faculty, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Reza Nofar’s project titled “Design of Temperature Resistant Recycled Pet/Pbt Bead Foams; Clarification of Foaming and Source Structure-Property Relationships” proposed within the framework of TÜBİTAK – 2507 Research Projects, Bilateral Cooperation Support Program with German Research Foundation (DFG) was granted support.
We congratulate our faculty member and wish him continued success.
About Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Reza Nofar
He received the bachelor’s degree in 2005 from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Sharif University of Technology in Iran, master’s degree in 2008 from the Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering in Montreal Concordia University, and Ph.D. degree in 2013 from the University of Toronto. He worked as a researcher at Canada National Research Council between 2008-2009 and at McGill University and Polytechnique de Montreal between 2013-2015. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nofar also worked as a part-time instructor at Concordia University. Nofar has been working at ITU as a faculty member since 2015 and was appointed associate professor in 2020. His first book Polylactide Foams was published in 2017 and his second book Multiphase Polylactide Blends was published in 2021. Nofar owns three patent licenses and has authored three book chapters, 66 articles and more than 75 conference papers. He received the Young Scientist Award given by Bilim Kahramanları Derneği (Science Heroes Association) in 2017, Research Encouragement Award given by METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation in 2020, and “2020 Early Career Award” given by Polymer Processing Society.