04 Jan 2021

METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation Award to Our Faculty Members

METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation awards for 2020 were given. Four of our faculty members, who contribute to scientific development with their work, were deemed worthy of the METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation Award.

News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office

METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation awards for 2020 were announced. Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Tolun from Faculty of Science and Letters, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department received “Honor Award”; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Kaya Pazarbaşı from Department of Industrial Design, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammadreza Nofar from Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tufan Kumbasar from Electrical – Electronics Engineering Department received “Research Encouragement Award”.

The Foundation gives special awards every year in order to evaluate the research and application studies and services of distinguished scientists and practitioners in all fields of science, to strengthen their work by documenting their competencies, and to encourage the growing generations.

Research Encouragement Award is the award given to young researchers (who have not completed the age of 40 on the first day of the year in which the award is given) who contribute to the development of one of the scientific fields with their research or help to solve the country’s problems in this field. This award can be given for a specific research study or by considering all the work of a researcher or a group of researchers.

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